What Is Real Pashmina?

Real Pashmina refers to a type of luxury wool that is obtained from the undercoat of the Capra hircus goat, which is native to the high altitude regions of the Himalayas. This wool is renowned for its exceptional softness and warmth, making it a highly prized material for high-end clothing and accessories. Real pashmina is known for its delicate texture and silky feel, as well as its natural luster and subtle sheen. To be considered genuine, the wool must meet certain standards of quality, including a fine and uniform fiber diameter, and a natural white or light cream color.

Please Note: Cashmere and Pashmina refer to different grades of wool derived from the Cashmere goat. While Cashmere refers to the general type of wool obtained from the undercoat of the Cashmere goat, Pashmina specifically refers to a finer and softer grade of Cashmere wool. Pashmina is typically used to make shawls and other luxury clothing items due to its delicate texture and high quality. The production of Pashmina requires a specialized process and results in a limited supply, making it a sought after luxury fiber. 

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What is Real Pashmina?

What Is The History Of Real Pashmina?

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Who Was Zain-Ul-Abidin?

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How Much Does A Real Pashmina Cost?

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What Colour Is Real

Is There A Real Pashmina Purity Test?

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Is Real Pashmina Warm?

Why is pashmina

Is pashmina itchy?

What is a ring test for pashmina?

Are There Myths About Pashmina?

Is Pashmina More Expensive Than Cashmere?

Was there a craze for pashmina in 19th- century?

What colour is real pashmina?

Why is pashmina expensive?

Is pashmina itchy? Read More

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